This is a final reminder about the program tonight for Grades 4-6, who will be presenting "The Music Man Jr." All students in these grades are expected to be in their classroom in costume at 6:45 tonight. We look forward to performing for you!
almost 2 years ago, Craig Taylor
JH Practice will be short today, Friday, April 14th. Athletes will be done with practice at 3:45 pm.
almost 2 years ago, Craig Taylor
This is just a reminder that on Tuesday, April 11th, student in grades 7-12 do not have school due to Logan View hosting our track invitational.
almost 2 years ago, Craig Taylor
This is a program reminder for students in grades 4-6. We will be presenting "The Music Man Jr." on Friday, April 14th at 7:00pm in the elementary gym, along with a matinee at 2:00pm. All students in these grades are to be in costume during both performances and will need to bring their costume to school on Friday for the matinee performance. If you have any questions or concerns about the program, please email Mrs. Kuddes
almost 2 years ago, Craig Taylor
Stress Awareness Month April is Stress Awareness Month, so here are some tips to get you through those stressful days: 1. Know that some stress is actually good for you. You heard right! We are meant to deal with stress, so when it approaches, remind yourself- "This is normal, and this feeling will pass." 2. Think about what stressors you can remove from your life (i.e.- checking your work email before bed, running late to meetings/events). Some things aren't in your control, so focus on reducing the stressors that are within your control. 3. Take "wellness breaks". There is a misconception that taking breaks will slow you down or break your concentration, but giving your mind a rest has actually been known to make you more productive. These don't have to be an hour long, but think of "micro-breaks" like standing outside and breathing in fresh air for a minute, or getting up to refill your beverage and taking a moment to enjoy it away from your desk.
almost 2 years ago, Diane Hanel
Stressed person with sticky notes on face
Mrs. Streeter's first grade class won the food drive competition to earn front row seats and Gatorade for the NHS vs Faculty BB game on Friday, March 24. Out of the 1352 items donated, they brought 147 items. Donations helped support the Dodge County Food Pantry. Great job!
almost 2 years ago, Diane Hanel
Mrs. Streeter's first grade class
More musical photos
almost 2 years ago, Craig Taylor
musical 5
The Drowsy Chaperone
almost 2 years ago, Craig Taylor
musical 2
musical 3
musical 4
At the musical. Thank you everyone one who put in the efforts needed to make it a great show!
almost 2 years ago, Craig Taylor
Just a reminder - the Boys Wrestling banquet is tonight at 6:30pm at the Fremont Lakes community building. Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Cale Streeter
Come one, Come all to the the 2023 Logan View Musical: The Drowsy Chaperone this Friday & Saturday at 7:00pm in the Logan View Lecture Hall. Free Will donations will go to the Logan View Musical Department.
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Castillo
event flyer - airplane flying over a record disc
Preschool registration is open. Please use the link below to access the registration form.
almost 2 years ago, Craig Taylor
Had a great time in D.C. Headed back home tomorrow. Raiders represented Nebraska well!
almost 2 years ago, Bo Krivohlavek
Interested in a career in construction, automotive, diesel tech, manufacturing or getting your CDL? Take advantage of attending a meet and greet session at Metropolitan Community College in the next several weeks. See flyers for more information.
almost 2 years ago, Diane Hanel
Automotive Meet and Greet March 23 at MCC
Construction Meet and Greet at Metro
Diesel Technology Meet and Greet at MCC
Manufacturing Meet and Greet at MCC
The Logan View National Honor Society is hosting their annual food drive for the community food pantry. All students K-12 are asked to bring their donations before March 22. Please help support your local food pantry to help those in need.
almost 2 years ago, Diane Hanel
Text - NHS Food Drive March 15 - 22
Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors Wayne State College representative will be available in the Media Center on Tuesday, March 21 to visit with individuals from 11:30 - 12:00. Make sure you sign up in Naviance to hold your spot.
almost 2 years ago, Diane Hanel
Text Wayne State College
More scholarship opportunities have been uploaded to Naviance. Please check them out! Deadlines coming up are April 1 and April 15.
almost 2 years ago, Diane Hanel
Capitol Hill Day for the Logan View Juniors (with the Holocaust Museum thrown in for good measure). Great memories made!
almost 2 years ago, Bo Krivohlavek
Senator Pete Ricketts
Capitol photo
Holocaust Museum
The Logan View juniors enjoyed their first day in Washington D.C. on the Close Up program!
almost 2 years ago, Bo Krivohlavek
The White House
Smithsonian Museum of Natural History
Smithsonian Castle with the cherry 🌸 blossoms
Washington Monument
MLK Monument
U.S. Capitol
Lincoln Memorial
Jefferson Memorial & the Tidal Basin
2023 Logan View Track and Field apparel link below. Orders due this Friday, March 10th.
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Castillo