Softball Raiders get bats going. Up 2-0 end of 3.
Softball end of 1, 0-0 LVSS vs North Bend
Softball LVSS jv's fall to NBC 6--8.
Softball End of 1. NBC jv's 2, LVSS jv's 6
Dress in your blue and gold for Raider Pride night at the softball fields in Uehling tonight!
The LVSS Raiders open the softball season tonight in Uehling with JV at 5:00 and Varsity at 6:30 p.m. Hope you can come to support the Raiders.
Great first day back!! Here's to a fantastic school year Raiders!!
Thank you to Ed´s Bar in Uehling and the Logan View Alumni Weekend for donating $750 to our Back To School Bash! With this donation we were able to have door prizes, Kona Ice and a dunk tank for our students!
CLOSE UP: There will be an informational meeting for Close Up in the lecture hall on Wednesday August 23rd during Raider Time. This is for any and all juniors considering participation in the program. We will go over important dates and cost. Hope to see you there!
23-24 Raiders ready for students tomorrow.
Elementary Open House 2023!
The girls basketball team is having a YARD LINE SALE! 🏈🏟️
For $30, you can purchase a "yard line" at Raider Stadium that gives you 15 chances to win. Text Coach Johnson at (402) 720-0156 OR a girls basketball player to make your purchase and claim your piece of the field!
Available yard lines can be viewed at
Did you miss out on the presale? Have no fear, the new store is here! Class T-shirts are available for purchase through August 24th. Get yours today and be prepared for the Raider Time competitions throughout the school year!
LVSS Youth Volleyball
Grade Level Cost and Experience
3rd Grade-
* $55 - includes jersey
4th - 8th Grade
* $60 - w/out new jersey
* $85 - includes new jersey
Competition Options:
* League Play = Oakland or Pender 3rd Grade
* League Play 4th Grade
* League Play and 1 Tournament 5th Grade
* League Play and 2 Tournaments -OR-
* 4 Tournaments 6th - 8th Grade
* 4 Tournaments
Jersey and Gear
Jerseys ordered by league- same jersey as prior years. Additional clothing and gear available through the high school volleyball online shop -
visit - online store closes 8/18/23.
Coaching Information
There will be coaches meeting hosted by the high school volleyball coaches on August 27 where drills and examples will b e demonstrated.
Tournament recommendations will be provided by volleyball coaches.
Registration form:
The staff is back and gearing up for another great year at Logan View; welcome to all the new staff members! Let's make it a fantastic year- rise up!!
Fall Kickoff Fri, Aug 11th. 6:00 p.m. Booster Club Meal, 6:45 p.m. Introduction of Athletes!! Hope you can Attend
Gearing up for the Back to School Bash tomorrow, August 10th! JHigh from 5PM-6PM, 9-12 following! Please bring your paperwork!
Thank you subs!
Football calendar