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Have you ever wondered where your hamburgers or taco meat came from? This Wednesday, September 27, 2023, was the first day we had local beef served in our school lunch from supporters in our community. This program is called Beef in Schools. It is powered by local community members who donate farm fresh beef to our school to use in our cafeteria. An important part of this program is going around and teaching our students and other members of our community about where our beef comes from, and why we are substituting it into our school lunch program. We are so thankful for all of our supporters who have helped us achieve our goal of having Beef in Schools! 

Specifically, I would like to thank Jon Weitzenkamp, Russel Stockcamp, Corey Schlueter, Cody Weitzenkamp, and Patrick Knievel for their generous donations to make this idea become the reality.  Additionally, I would like to thank the Dodge County Feeders Association for giving me an audience to talk about the program and what we are trying to accomplish through it and our FFA organization for helping talk with students about the entire process from feedlot to kitchen.  Lastly, the credit for the  "LV powered by Beef" design need to go to Elli Christianson, FFA member.  Thank you all for your efforts and support of Logan View Public Schools.